Bourgogne wines

Welcome to the Domaine Croix d'Arbussin

Laurent Gobet’s path was not set in advance as he first started working in the food industry. However, in 1992, his professional life did a 180-degree turn as he decided to turn to the culture of the vine and take over his uncle’s vineyard.

Carried by strong environmental values illustrated by the culture of his vines under the HEV label (High Environmental Value), he decided in 2020 to work independently on his 55 ha of vines. He thus created a winery in the north of Hurigny, at the crossroads between Igé and Laizé. Discover all the know-how of Bourgogne wines through a range of wines worked in the respect of soils and plants.

Some men and women

L'Équipe - Domaine Croix d'Arbussin
Laurent - Domaine Croix d'Arbussin - Chef d'exploitation

Laurent - Vineyard Manager

After having worked for thirty years for several cooperative wineries, it became quit natural for him to create his own structure. Man of the field, you will often find Laurent surrounded by his team in the middle of his vineyards.

Michael - Domaine Croix d'Arbussin - Chef de cave

Michaël - Cellar Manager

After ten years as cellar manager, Michaël joined Laurent in this new adventure. He supervises the elaborationo of the wine, from grapes' entrance into the cellar, to the bottling.

Karine - Domaine Croix d'Arbussin

Karine - On all fronts

She is in charge of various tasks within the estate: whether in the vineyards or in the stewardship, she also welcomes you on weekends at the cellar to accompany and advise you in the discovery of our wines.

Alizée - Domaine Croix d'Arbussin

Alizée - At the heart of the vineyard

She follows the family path, takes care of most of the vineyard work, and welcomes you at the cellar on weekends.

Domaine Croix d'Arbussin - l'équipe - le salarié

The all-terrain team : Karine, Alizée, Julien et Gabriel...

Our shadow workers who are present every day in the vineyard. First links in the chain, you will more often find them in the field rather than at the tasting.

Our environmental values

High Environmental Value level 3

The HEV (or "HVE" in French) label is a voluntary and progressive approach based on 3 levels of recognition. It aims at making more visible the efforts made by the estate to reconcile "production" and "respect of the environment".

Issu d'une exploitation HVE

The approach is built around four themes:

- The protection of biodiversity (insects, trees, hedges, grassy strips, flowers etc.)
- The phytosanitary strategy
- Fertilization management
- Irrigation management

The Croix d'Arbussin estate is committed to promoting the resources and mechanisms of nature through the autonomy of the winery. It indeed uses photovoltaic panels to reduce its energy consumption, manages water resources thanks to rainwater recovery tanks and decreases its use of phytopharmaceutical products.